Past Conferences


2016 The Wonder &
Fear of Technology

Technology—both theoretically and practically—has staked its claim in our cultural moment. It is here to stay. This dominance has fostered much positive innovation, yet also exposed a great deal of fear and anxiety about our future, prodding the theological realm for greater nuance and application. Is technology inherently at odds with tradition? The 2016 Conference Join examined the future of work and develop new thought on the intersection of faith and technology.

2015 Beyond
Discovering the
Nature of Calling

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The Faith and Work Conference is a two day gathering of industry leaders, cultural commentators, and leading theologians to reflect on the vital, inevitable intersection of our work and faith. Through keynote talks, exhibitions, workshops, and cultural outings, we'll explore expressions of God's grace in our world. Artists and educators, designers and technicians, homemakers, engineers, managers, entrepreneurs, doctors, and everyone in between are invited to help us celebrate the remarkable reality that work matters.


Nothing new has been made without work. Nothing unseen has been seen without faith. When the two intersect, imagination thrives and innovation erupts. PRESENTERS INCLUDE: NYTimes columnist David Brooks, award winning poet Christian Wiman, author and consultant Nancy Ortberg, Tim Keller, & more.


What workplace policies and practices promote the full exploration and development of the human potential? Because of the gospel, our work can be an expression of our redeemed humanity. The gospel is at work to both humanize humanity and to humanize work, and it is this dual humanization that brings about a greater societal flourishing, restoring the Genesis mandate to cultivate the earth, filling it with people and ruling over all with care. When work places are humanized, there is a renewed flourishing.


Result 1
How do we grapple with the tough things in life? At Wrestling God, Work Reimagined, participants were invited to wrestle with the brokenness in their own lives as well as the city around them. God invites us to wrestle with him directly so he can name us and bless us. As we are blessed, we can better serve the city, our professions and the institutions in which we work.


Result 2
What are you doing to make the world a better place? Can you envision that the work you do every day matters to God and could in some way be used by Him to renew culture? As creatures made in God's image and given the mission to cultivate and keep the world He created out of nothing, we are meant to develop and steward this world in ways that meet real human needs and bring glory to God.